Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
We are happy you’ve chosen Pivot Charter School and we are looking forward to a fabulous year with you.
If you need help or have questions, please contact your Educational Coordinator for assistance.
Access the Parent Portal where you can enroll your student, see report cards, print unofficial transcripts, and access CAASPP results.
Link to “Riverside Parent Portal”
How to Log into the Parent Portal
How to Observe Your Student in Buzz
Read about Pivot Charter School’s policies and other helpful information on how to be successful at Pivot.
If you are having trouble accessing or creating an account for ParentSquare, please contact us at pivot@pivotcharter.org.
View a variety of community resources including mental health resources, emergency services, family services, meal services and more.
Check out Community College summer class opportunities, sports, summer camps, and other summer activities in the Summer Resource Guide!
If you feel that you have been encouraged to unenroll from the charter school or transfer to another school for any reason, or if you feel you have been discriminated against for any reason, you may click here to download the Enrollment Discrimination Complaint Form.
Check out these sheets for ideas of where to earn community service hours.